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Saturday, March 20, 2010

signs are there for every one..

Often we find people (including ourselves) saying that life has not done justice with them but what is to be pondered upon is not what life has given them but what they have made of their life. we all have made our lives so complicated by involving ourselves in life of others more then our own. Now a days we are so much into the lives of others that we miss the vital signs destiny is showing us and then we are crying all the time that why we are not getting all we desire. Everyone gets according to what he has done in past, that's why it is said that u can't change the past so better work in present for a glorious future.Everyone should understand one thing that they can't gain anything by prying into the lives of others and being jellous of the achievements of our peers rather we should try to indulge in ourselves so deeply that we don't have time for ill will towards others.We can't stop others so why to bother. This habit gives peace to mind and in this fast moving world it gives us time to be alone even in crowd which is very important for every one to gauge where we stand. everyone has got there own paths to follow, different persons can reach a destination by diffferent paths but the end result is only visible to all so start looking for your own signs of destiny (guys also call them opportunities)